The Offender Solutions Series of 100% Online Classes
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Bibliography of Theft Related Magazine and News Stories
- "1 of 15 shoplift." Burnham, David. New York Times , December 21, 1970 , p. 44.
- "11 girls, 10 in furs, held in shoplifting." New York Times , March 27, 1922 , p. 3.
- "17 tried as shoplifters." New York Times , May 23, 1920 , p. 14.
- "6 shoplifters sent to jail." New York Times , October 24, 1920 , p. 20.
- "30 shoplifters at once." New York Times , December 20, 1907 , p.1.
- "Actress' Shoplifting Arrest Sparks Fans' Offers of Help." The Register-Guard . 1991. August 3: 2a
- "Addicted To Stealing."Yagoda B. Self (1994). February issue: 115-117, 154.
- "A gang of shoplifters broken up." New York Times , May 14, 1875 , p. 5.
- "A kleptomaniac acquitted." New York Times , January 12, 1879 , p. 8.
- "An expert shoplifter arrested." New York Times , March 29, 1877 , p. 8.
- "Anybody might be a shoplifter." Deli Santi, Amelia. Reader's Digest 66 (February, 1955): 140-142.
- "A new law in the war on shoplifter." Delli Santi, Angela. New York Times , August 8, 1993 , sec. 13, pp. 1, 13.
- "Are shoplifters thieves?" Newsweek 30 (August 4, 1947): 59-60.
- "Arraign 42 women as shoplifters." New York Times , July 2, 1920 , p. 7.
- "Arrest of a notorious shoplifter." New York Times , February 19, 1874 , p. 5.
- "A shop-lifter of 'good character.'" New York Times , August 25, 1876 , p. 8.
- "A shoplifter convicted." New York Times , May 10, 1877 , p. 2.
- "A shoplifter's large pocket." New York Times , May 3, 1877 , p. 2.
- "Attention, shoplifters." Schmuckler, Eric. Forbes 142 (November 14, 1988): 258-259.
- "Big brother at the mall: retailers go high tech in the war on shoplifters."Tsiantar, Dody. Newsweek 114 (July 3, 1989): 44.
- "British get tough with shoplifters." Shuster, Alvin. New York Times , September 4, 1973 , p. 11.
- "Capture of a shoplifter." New York Times , February 16, 1876 , p. 2.
- "Conviction of a noted shoplifter." New York Times , April 28, 1865 , p. 2.
- "Cracking down on shoplifters." Business Week , November 1, 1952 , pp. 58, 61.
- "Devices That Try to Outwit Shoplifters." Sloane, Leonard. 1991. New York Times: Consumer's World (August 24): 20.
- "Excuse Me, Miss! Did You Pay for This?" Bernikow, Louise. Mademoiselle 94 (September, 1988): 280.
- "F.B.I. finds increase of 93% in shoplifting." New York Times , December 2, 1965 , p. 37.
- "Fight on anti-theft device to heat up." Strom, Stephanie. New York Times , June 14, 1993 , p. D9.
- "Finding allies in the fight against shoplifting." Housel, Thomas J. Nation's Business 65 (September, 1977): 64-66.
- "Five-Finger Discount: A Look at Shoplifting and Retail Security." Brown, M. Lindsay. USA Today 113 (November, 1984): 64-67.
- "Found guilty of shop-lifting." New York Times , August 6, 1879 , p. 8.
- "For retailers, warnings on shoplifting." Papazian, Rita. New York Times , December 13,1998 , Connecticut sec., p. 5.
- "Gain in shoplifting brings court warning." New York Times , June 20, 1920 , p. 20.
- "Heavy raids by shop-lifters." New York Times , August 5, 1878 , p. 1.
- "Helping shoplifters to reform." Konig, Susan. New York Times , September 29, 1996 , sec. 13, p. 8.
- "Holidays develop many shoplifters." New York Times , December 8, 1907 , pt. 2, p. 5.
- " Holiday shoplifting heads for a record." U.S. News & World Report 75 ( December 10, 1973 ): 47.
- "How shoplifting is draining the economy." Business Week , October 15, 1979 , pp. 119, 123.
- "I'll never shoplift again." Seventeen 35 (September, 1976): 156-157ff.
- "In Minnesota , a shoplifting case with a twist." Johnson, Dirk. New York Times, December 11, 1996 , p. A16.
- "Inside theft found stores' major drain." Barmash, Isadore. New York Times , November 23, 1973 , pp. 55-56.
- "I was a shoplifter." Good Housekeeping 203 (July, 1986): 22ff.
- "I was a shoplifter." Good Housekeeping 214 (February, 1992): 24ff.
- "Jail terms reduce Xmas shoplifting." New York Times , December 24, 1921 , p. 3.
- "Latest teenage fad: shoplifting." Maclean's Magazine 74 (October 21, 1961): 1.
- "Leaders Admit Shoplifting Role."The Oregonian. 1991. May 17: 22.
- "Light-fingered gentry bedevil the shopkeepers of London ."Duffield, Peter. Saturday Night 61 ( August 3, 1946 ): 19.
- "Mothers with babies tried as shoplifters." New York Times , January 20, 1922 , p. 32.
- "Music retailers endorse anti-theft system." New York Times , March 8, 1993 , p. D4.
- "My niece was a shoplifter!" Good Housekeeping 171 (August, 1970): 34ff.
- "Nation's retail merchants mobilize security systems to combat fast-growing shoplifting trend."Wright, Robert A. New York Times , May 21, 1972 , p. 51.
- "New weapons against shoplifting." U.S. News & World Report 72 ( February 14, 1972 ): 70-71.
- " New York 's police find shoplifting on increase." Business Week , May 21, 1930 , p. 15.
- "Not guilty of shoplifting ." New York Times , January 27, 1881 , p.3.
- "One in ten shoppers is a shoplifter." Hellman, Peter. New York Times Magazine , March 15, 1970 , pp. 34-35ff.
- "Oregon stores seek restitution from shoplifters." New York Times , December 15, 1980 , p. A17.
- "Pilferage abounds in the nation's stores." Barmash, Isadore. New York Times , October 28, 1973 , sec. 3, p. 9.
- "Pilfering from stores." New York Times , March 4, 1883 , p. 5.
- "Psychology of a middle-aged shoplifter." Sawyer, Susan G. Ms. 17(September, 1988): 46.
- "Putting the tag on shoplifters." Strom, Stephanie. New York Times , May 16, 1993 , sec. 3, p. 11.
- "Retailers gear up for Christmas shoplifting." Heinzl, John. Globe & Mail , April 11, 1995 , pp. B1, B6.
- "Retailers lose $2.4 billion to shoplifters, employees." Heinzl, John. Globe & Mail , April 11, 1995 , p. B13.
- "Rising wave of shoplifting - and no solution in sight." U.S. News & World Report 68 ( March 2, 1970 ): 56-58.
- "Search for anti-theft format spurs industry fight." Strom, Stephanie. New York Times , February 24, 1993 , p. D7.
- "Sensormatic collars the shoplifter." Nulty, Peter. Fortune 101 ( February 25, 1980 ): 114-116ff.
- "Sensormatic: out to quadruple revenue by bagging supermarket thieves." Business Week , June 14, 1982 , pp. 99-100.
- "Shop thefts of $1,000,000." New York Times , September 22, 1912 , pt. 3, p. 6.
- "Shoplifter." New York Times , May 10, 1877 , p. 2.
- "Shoplifters arrested in Boston ." New York Times , December 11, 1876 , p. 5.
- "Shoplifters convicted." New York Times , April 25, 1880 , p. 3.
- "Shoplifters face mirror 'detective.'" New York Times , June 22, 1957 , p. 23.
- "Shoplifters hit $4-billion mark in Canada ." Vancouver Sun , April 16, 1996 , p. D2.
- "Shoplifters in Britain have the money to pay." New York Times , June 24, 1962 , p. 16.
- "Shoplifters, beware!" Carper, Jean A. Reader's Digest 101 (October, 1972): 179-180ff.
- "Shoplifters beware--Knogo is watching." Leigh, Alison. Business Week , October 20, 1986 , pp. 60, 64.
- "Shoplifters of many types mingle with the shoppers." Hadden, Maude Miner. New York Times , December 17, 1933 , sec. 9, p. 16.
- "Shoplifter's lot becomes harder." Berry , Warren . New York Times , October 7, 1956 , sec. 3, pp. 1, 4.
- "Shoplifters plead prices as excuse." New York Times , June 6, 1920 , p. 21.
- "Shoplifters to go on television." New York Times , April 27, 1956 , p. 14.
- "Shoplifting by students is exposed in survey." New York Times , April 22, 1973 , p. 69.
- "Shoplifting: 'Worse than ever.'" U.S. News & World Report 65 ( December 16, 1968 ): 60.
- "Shoplifting career is said to benefit from suit and tie." New York Times , November 30, 1969 , p. 47.
- "Shoplifting has both its 'pros' and amateurs." New York Times , August 3, 1924 , sec. 7, p. 9.
- "Shoplifting in great department stores." New York Times , April 26, 1908 , pt. 5, p. 8.
- "Shoplifting in New York ." New York Times , January 2, 1906 , p. 15.
- "Shop-lifting in Paris ." New York Times , July 8, 1877 , p. 10.
- "Shoplifting in the big stores." New York Times , June 21, 1925 , sec. 2, p. 13.
- "Shoplifting loss $50,000." New York Times , January 25, 1914 , sec. 2, p. 1.
- "Stop that shoplifter." Sterling, Stewart. Saturday Evening Post 222 ( October 22, 1949 ): 19ff.
- "Shoplifting: A Big-Ticket Item For Retailers." Hernandez, E. Boston Globe (1993). November 3 issue.
- "Shoplifting: Bess Myerson's Arrest Highlights a Multimillion-Dollar Problem That Many Stores Won't Talk About." Dowling, Claudia. 1988. Life (August): 32
- "Shoplifting: white-collar scandal."Wharton, Don. Reader's Digest 82 (April, 1963): 73-77.
- "Shoplifting: Why Women Who Have Everything Steal."Kopecky, Gini. 1980. Mademoiselle (December): 156.
- "Smugglers at the Supermarket." Tooley, Jo Ann. 1989. U.S. News & World Report (March 13): 73.
- "Shoplifting: girls who steal." Thornton, James. Seventeen 51 (February, 1992): 86-87.
- "Snatch and carry." McLeod, Bruce. Maclean's Magazine 58 ( August 15, 1945 ): 18, 33-36.
- "Spartans share list of U.S. shoplifters." Barmash, Isadore. New York Times , June 12, 1970 , pp. 53, 55.
- "Steal this book." Jensen, Joyce. New York Times , June 19, 1999 , p. B9.
- "Stealing is a symptom." McCarty, Rega Kramer. Parents' Magazine 27 (January, 1952): 34-35ff.
- "Sticky fingers are rifling through retail." Zellner, Wendy. Business Week , March 28, 1994 , p. 36.
- "Stores can't fine thieves, court says." Roberts, David. Globe & Mail , July 17, 1996 , pp. A1, A11.
- "Stores, fearful teen-agers prepare for holiday shoplifting, are acting." Barmash, Isadore. New York Times , December 1, 1968 , sec. 3, pp. 1, 14.
- "Stores open war on amateur pilferers." New York Times , July 11, 1920 , sec. 2, p. 1.
- "Store prisoner had $400." New York Times , April 11, 1905 , p. 8.
- "Stores station Santas to survey shoplifters." New York Times , December 3, 1959 , p. 28.
- "Stores widening fight on thefts." Perlmutter, Emanuel. New York Times , May 7, 1964 , p. 75.
- "Surge in petty theft-symptom of hard times."Wiessler, David. U.S. News & World Report 93 ( July 19, 1982 ): 50.
- "Teen shoplifters." Davidson, Bill. Seventeen 42 (October, 1983): 142-143ff.
- "The best-stolen list." Lewine, Edward. New York Times , December 7, 1997 , sec. 14. p. 3.
- "The ghost of shoplifting past." Farrell, Barry. Life 67 ( December 12, 1969 ): 31.
- "The great Christmas shoplift." McCalls 100 (December, 1972): 46-47.
- "The price of shoplifting." Maclean's Magazine 109 (July 29, 1996): 31.
- "The losing battle against shoplifting." Hemeon, Jade. Financial Times of Canada , November 26, 1979 , p. 26.
- "The Case of the $99 Raincoat: Iran 's UN Ambassador Accused of Shoplifting." Time . 1986. June 2: 27.
- "The new chic thieves." Bernikow, Louise. Mademoiselle 94 (September, 1988): 280-281ff.
- "The shoplifting profession." New York Times , March 23, 1930 , sec. 9, p. 17.
- "The stealing season." Newsweek 74 (December 29, 1969): 48.
- "The Tombs-before Justice Hogan." New York Times , June 16, 1865 , p. 8.
- "The woman who pilfers." New York Times , May 31, 1878 , p. 3.
- "They didn't pay retail." Pattison, Kermit. Time 148 (December 23, 1996): 64.
- "They steal just for the hell of it." Davidson, Bill. Saturday Evening Post 241 ( May 18, 1968 ): 23-27.
- "They're stealing you blind." Ecenbarger, William. Reader's Digest 148 (June, 1996): 97-103.
- "Thieves I have known." Crowe, Dorothy. Saturday Evening Post 234 ( February 4, 1961 ): 21ff.
- "'Tis the not-so-jolly shoplifting season." Dowling, Deborah. Financial Post , December 10, 1977 , p. 3.
- "'Tis the season to be shoplifting." Business Week , December 23, 1967 , pp. 20, 22.
- "To Catch a Thief (and Enroll Him)." Barmash, Isadore. New York Times , November 24: D1.
- "To catch a thief." Newsweek 81 (September 23, 1974): 79-80.
- "Two Brooklyn shoplifters arrested." New York Times , December 24, 1877 , p. 8.
- "Two female shop-lifters arrested." New York Times , April 9, 1876 , p. 2.
- "Vanity lure of pretty shoplifters." New York Times , January 29, 1922 , sec. 7, p. 3.
- "War on shoplifters." New York Times , February 15, 1908 , p. 3.
- "War on shoplifters." New York Times , May 25, 1913 , pt. 3, p. 5.
- "Which shoplifter gets arrested." USA Today 119 (December, 1990): 10.
- "Women Who Shoplift." Pousner, Michael. 1988. Cosmopolitan (April): 162.
- "Women Who Steal." Brenton, Myron. 1985. Cosmopolitan 189 (May):285.
- "Why girls steal." Brothers, Dr. Joyce.Good Housekeeping . 176 (February, 1973): 64ff.
- "When Grandma Is a Thief." Grosswirth, Marvin. 1981. 50 Plus (November):
- "What a steal!" Reinholz, Mary. McCall's 122 (May, 1995): 80-83.
- "Why so many women shoplift." Reuben, Dr. David. McCalls 97 (September, 1970): 44, 124.
- "Youthful shoplifting: a national epidemic." Selby, Earl. Reader's Digest 90 (April, 1967): 95-99.
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